The Bergen County HIstoric Sites Survey, begin in 1979, is a comprehensive effort to identify buildings, streetscapes, districts and sites of historical and architectural interest on a town by town basis. The Survey has been made possible by a Grant-In-Aid from the U. S. Department of the Interior, administered by the N. J. Department of Environmental Protection, and matched by funds from the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders.
Properties included in the Survey are recognizable as being valuable for their historical associations or aesthetic design. Other properties are included which illustrate the architectural diversity of a community or the area's history of development. Many of the buildings are modest designs, examples of vernacular architecture, representing conventional construction in the locality. A wide variety of site types range from houses and churches to bridges, bathing beaches and gas stations.
There is no age requirement for properties included in the Survey; it contains remnants of the area's history of development in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as well as those associated with the earliest settlement periods. The Survey incorporates previous historic site inventories, the Bergen County Stone House Survey, the records of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, local historic maps and consultations with the local munipal historical liaison to the Bergen County Office of Cultural and Historic Affairs.
Historic Site Survey volunteers, coordinated and supervised by the Survey staff, assist with site photography and reviews of the draft reports. All sites surveyed are recorded on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Historic Survey forms and inventory lists.
It is hoped that the inventory contained in the Bergen County Historic Sites Survey will provide an efficient means of communicating preservation concerns, generate enthusiasm for taking advantage of recent tax incentives for historic preservation and aid in a municipality's future planning.
(the complete report may be found at the GRHPS Museum at the Station)