The Main Line Station, built in 1905, is the headquarters for the GRHPS. It currently houses The Museum at the Station. Photo circa 1905.
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Welcome to the GRHPS!
The Glen Rock Historical & Preservation Society, Inc. was incorporated in 1992 as a registered 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to heighten the public's awareness of, and appreciation for, the history, growth and development of Glen Rock, New Jersey. We fulfill our mission in many ways; we will use this website to share all that we do - and hope to do - with you. For a copy of the GRHPS Constitution & By-Laws, please click here.
The Museum at the Station
As part of our community outreach, we maintain and organize The Museum at the Station, located inside the Main Line Train Station. Here we showcase items from Glen Rock's past, with displays that change periodically as well as permanent exhibits featuring the Erie Railroad and artifacts from Glen Rock's farming history. The Museum at the Station is open to the public on the LAST SUNDAY of each month from 1 to 3 pm. There is no admission fee although donations are gratefully accepted in Ye Olde Tip Jar. Exhibitions are appropriate for all ages.
Not sure where we are located? Here's a map.
Monthly Meetings
For 2024, our general meetings will be held at the Main Line Station on a quarterly basis:
April 18th @ 7:30 p.m.
September 19th @ 7:30 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public. Please stop in and learn about our activities and plans.
Become a GRHPS Member or Sponsor!
Complete our Membership Form and help us continue to preserve and protect Glen Rock's cultural past. We truly value our supporters!